Archive for December, 2007

Squid-2.7 Branched; performance work has begun!

December 22, 2007

Henrik has branched Squid-2.7 – it hasn’t been formally announced yet but it should be any day now.I’ve begun rolling in infrastructure changes with an eye towards improved performance in Squid. Squid-2 is my testbed at the moment – I’m leaving Squid-3 alone for now to let the codebase mature and the C++ guys to, well, do their C++ “thing”. The first round of patches to Squid-2.HEAD remove one of the major CPU and memory bottlenecks – memcpy()’ing of data as it passes from the store (so from anywhere, really) back to the client. This may or may not improve performance with your workload but its the beginning of sensible dataflow inside Squid.(I estimate this brings Squid up to the late 90’s in terms of network application coding..)My next trick will be reference counted buffers and strings, to avoid more memcpy()ies, memory allocation/frees, and general L2 cache busting. More on that later. 

Squid-3.0.STABLE1 released

December 22, 2007

Its been a long wait, but Duane has released Squid-3.0.STABLE1. Features include integrated ICAP support. You can find more information at the release website

IPv6 going mainstream in squid

December 17, 2007

Well folks, things are getting underway again just in time for the new year.

Starting with the Dec 16th daily snapshot of squid3-HEAD includes the long-awaited squid3-ipv6 branch of squid.

To build the feature just add –enable-ipv6 to your configure options. There are other IPv6 settings for some setups, but most will not need them. Expect it to accept your existing 3.0 squid.conf while allowing you to tweak it slightly for IPv6 purposes if you have a v6/NG connection or desire to do so.

The new releases coupled with an IPv6 link as simple as a single-host tunnel add the ability to:

* source traffic from either IPv4 or IPv6 as needed or provided

* proxy web traffic between IPv4 and IPv6 seamlessly

* gateway an IPv4 or IPv6 -native network to the full transitioning web

* accelerate a website on both IPv4 and IPv6 Internets even if the web server itself is stuck without access to one protocol.

* measure network availbility over both IPv4 and IPv6 for peers and source selection

Some expected configuration problems and their solutions can be found in the Squid wiki FAQ