Archive for the ‘Debian’ Category

Squid-2.6 + TPROXY + Debian

April 7, 2008

Jason Healy posted some useful information to the squid-users list a week or so ago.


I’ve been a happy user of Squid for the past 10 years or so, and I’d like to take a second to thank everyone who has worked so hard to make such a great piece of software!  I’d like to give back to the Squid community, but unfortunately I’m not much of a C hacker.  However, I’m hoping I can still help.

I’ve just spent a few days getting my school’s Squid install up to date (we were running 2.5 on Debian Woody).  I switched to using tproxy this time around (we used to do policy routing on our core, but it was spiking the CPU too much).  Thanks to the mailing list, some articles on the web, and a little messing around I was able to get the whole system up and running.  I’ve documented the steps here:

The document is written for someone with a decent grasp of Linux, and is specifically geared to Debian Etch.  There are some tweaks that are pecific to our install (compile-time flags, mostly), but otherwise it’s pretty generic.  Hopefully, this will help someone else out who’s trying to build a similar system, so I’m posting so it will hit the archives.